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The 3 Best Books For Deep Emotional Healing

  • Post last modified:31. August 2021
  • Reading time:15 mins read

Time heals all wounds, they say. But does it really? Probably all of us have had the experience that an emotional wound from the past continues to cause pain in the presence – and doesn’t just disappear overnight. It is, therefore, better not to rely solely on time and forgetting, but to become active oneself in order to support the emotional healing process. In this post, I’ll explain to you what emotional healing is and the 3 best books you need to start your own journey.

Table of Contents

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What Are Emotional Wounds?

Emotional wounds are invisible. The pain they cause, however, is real.

Many people think of trauma in terms of classic traumas following physical violence, death experiences, war, and natural disasters.

However, according to current research, overwhelming emotional experiences in childhood can also have a traumatic effect on our psyche and organism. The results are developmental trauma and emotional wounds. These can include experiences that are commonly classified as not “bad” because they are part of everyday life.

For example, in the 60’s it was absolutely common to let the baby cry, to physically punish a child, and this also includes massive neglect, and verbal violence, such as permanent degradation.

Developmental traumas can lead to depression, anxiety, obsessions, and addictions in adult life. Likewise, difficulties in forming relationships can be symptoms of such traumas:

Affected people unconsciously keep finding people who treat them badly and can’t escape from these relationships.

Or they can’t handle genuine intimacy, can’t cope with much frustration, are incapable of resolving conflicts and, when problems arise, break off love relationships and friendships rather than continue to grow together.

They find it difficult to recognize and develop their strengths. Some have a strange feeling of inner emptiness or are flooded with barely controllable emotions (rage, anger, sadness) on the slightest of occasions.

They often suffer greatly from their situation.

Emotional wounds can not only arise in childhood but also in later life, for example through “toxic” partners and friends or through inadequate relationships with the parents.

Why Is Emotional Healing Important?

We require emotional healing in order to enjoy our lives to the fullest and unfold our complete potential.

Emotional wounds act as a layer or barrier that blocks access to one’s authenticity, the true self, and spiritual levels, the soul and transcendence. Healing your emotional wounds will not only make you feel mentally healthier but also physically.

Emotional healing will also take a strain off your everyday life. Healing your emotional self can help you to:

  • free yourself from emotional baggage,
  • react more positively to people,
  • be able to open up and form deep relationships, feel more happiness and less anger, sadness, envy and repulsion,
  • accept yourself as you are,
  • dissolve negative beliefs and manifest more love, happiness, success and prosperity in your life,
  • heal the relationship with yourself,
  • alter the way you think and perceive your life

The 3 Best Books For Deep Emotional Healing

I do recommend the following 3 books for emotional healing. They have helped me to gain insight into my emotional self, to understand how my body and my emotional self are connected, and why I react to my outside world the way I do.

All 3 books deal with different types of emotional wounds, healing, and causes, giving a profound insight. You can decide for yourself which one is most relevant to you.

However, as much as I do recommend these books, I want to encourage you to seek professional help before you go down the path of emotional healing, which can often be overwhelming. You have to decide for yourself if you need assistance on this path.

1) The Emotion Code: How to Release Your Trapped Emotions for Abundant Health, Love, and Happiness (Updated and Expanded Edition)

The Emotion Code is a life changing book by Dr. Bradley Nelson. Dr. nelson gives you an easy-to-understand introduction to your body’s reactions.

The book will show you why your trapped emotions and feelings cause your mental and physical ailments and eventually how to release them through muscle testing and using a magnet.

This was something I hadn’t heard before, but hundreds of reviews made me curious! Many people report how they were able to release years and decades of trapped emotions to finally be free of psychological and physical pain.

In this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skillfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of “trapped emotions”―emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction, and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love.

The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson’s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your “emotional baggage,” and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.

Book description

A must-have for lightworkers and energy healers!

NOTE: You must be open to the possibility that this method will help you release trapped emotions, otherwise it may not work.

2) Healing the Soul of a Woman: How to Overcome Your Emotional Wounds

Healing the soul of a woman by Joice Meyer is one of the best books for women that need encouragement, inspiration and emotional healing from past hurts.

Meyer speaks from her own experience – she describes her personal, captivating stories throughout the book and teaches women how they can learn to love and trust again.

Can a woman who has been deeply hurt by life’s circumstances be healed, heart and soul? If she has been wounded by a man she loved and trusted, can she love and trust again? As a woman who endured years of abuse, abandonment, and betrayal by those closest to her, Joyce Meyer can answer with a resounding “yes!”

Meyer’s positivity comes from living her own journey, and from seeing so many women who don’t believe they can fully overcome their pain–or even know where to begin–find the guidance they need in the life-changing wisdom of the Bible.

Meyer’s bestseller Beauty for Ashes told of her personal story of healing. Now, with the passage of more time, HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN delves deeper into Joyce’s story and the journey of healing for all women. Each chapter guides you through whatever obstacles may be holding you back to find your true destiny as God’s beloved. God can heal all pain, and He wants to do this in you. Let HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN be the first step toward the wonderful, joyful future God intends for you.

Book description

3) Healing from Hidden Abuse: A Journey Through the Stages of Recovery from Psychological Abuse

Healing from hidden abuse by Shannon Thomas is a well-written must-read for everyone who had to deal with “toxic” people like narcissists, sociopaths, psychopaths.

This book gives you a deep insight into the mind of a psychological abuser. It shows how they try to trick you, what tactics they use, and how they enjoy controlling. Moreover and most importantly, how it is their conscious decision to do what they do.

The author clarifies that it is not your fault, that you are not crazy, that you are not worthless, and that you are not alone.

Within every community, toxic people can be found hiding in families, couples, companies, and places of worship. The cryptic nature of psychological abuse involves repetitious mind games played by one individual or a group of people. Psychological abuse leaves no bruises. There are no broken bones. There are no holes in the walls. The bruises, brokenness, and holes are held tightly within the target of the abuse. Healing from Hidden Abuse walks the reader through each of the six recovery stages researched and developed by the author. The stages are Despair, Education, Awakening, Boundaries, Restoration, and Maintenance. A guided Personal Reflections journal is included in the back of the book to help the reader go deeper in their application of the six stages of recovery. The journal can be used individually or in a small group setting.

Book description

I hope you like this post about the 3 best books for deep emotional healing!

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My name is Elsa and I have been the face behind Spirithandbook for 3 years now. I hold a master's degree in psychology and combine the essence of the human mind with deeply rooted spirituality on my blog. Being Greek and German, whenever I'm not drinking coffee, I'm cuddling with my 3 cats Atlas, Cronos, and Gaia.

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