How should your ideal partner for a long-term relationship be like and with whom can you build the deepest friendship? Every zodiac sign has its unique characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, and each one needs a different partner or “clicks” with other people. When two people meet – their horoscopes meet too. Considering that we have 12 different zodiac signs, there are 144 possible combinations, some with more, some with less compatibility – and some should never ever meet.
This post is all about the different combinations. You will learn with which zodiac signs you have the strongest compatibility and mutual attraction.
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Which Zodiac Signs have the most compatibility?
The Freedom-loving Aquarius
Aquarius is a zodiac sign that needs space to develop freely. This independent zodiac sign will also need this space and freedom in a relationship.
Aquarius-born people are individualists and therefore not necessarily suitable for every relationship. They often look for partners who are “unique” and special themselves.
Best matches for Aquarius:
Other people with the zodiac sign Aquarius can give the needed freedom and space and also with the other air zodiac signs there is mutual understanding.
Aquarius and Gemini experience instant “clicks” because they both have distinct and talkative personalities, and Aquarius and Sagittarius are extroverted, communicative zodiac signs which enjoy spending time together.
It becomes more difficult with Scorpio, Virgo, and Cancer, who have completely different ideas about relationships, philosophies, and lifestyles. They can also get too clingy and possessive for the freedom-loving Aquarius.

Aquarius Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Aquarius and Aries: Both have a tendency to extremes and they share an active and spontaneous personality. However, the leadership of the Aries collides with the independence needs of the Aquarius partner.
Aquarius and Taurus: A Taurus needs safety and routines which contradicts the nature of Aquarius.
Aquarius and Gemini: Two air signs who both appreciate their freedom! They can also have deep, hours-long conversations. Great combination!
Aquarius and Cancer: Cancer-persons are often too clingy and dependent for the Aquarius.
Aquarius and Leo: The Leo loves attention and action which fascinates the fun-loving Aquarius. You will make great memories together!
Aquarius and Virgo: Both have a tendency to be afraid of too intimate relationships. So if they decide to be together, they most probably prefer a long-distance relationship or having two homes. Generally, a Virgo might be too rational and value-loving for an Aquarius who needs his entertainment.
Aquarius and Libra: These air signs often find themselves in a platonic relationship. They share their sense of creativity and their need for freedom.
Aquarius and Scorpio: Both are extreme signs, but not in a compatible way. The Scorpio is extremely possessive and jealous and can’t give the Aquarius the freedom he needs.
Aquarius and Sagittarius: Life-affirming, optimistic, energetic, independent: Here are two high compatibility zodiac signs, which have a lot in common, especially regarding relationships.
Aquarius and Capricorn: Both zodiac signs have problems communicating their feelings which can often lead to misunderstandings.
Aquarius and Aquarius: This relationship promises fun, action, adventures, uniqueness, and freedom.
Aquarius and Pisces: Pisces and Aquarius share a very creative, “crazy” side, but Aquarius-people are afraid of the deep feelings a Pisces has.
The Esoteric Pisces
Pisces are helpful, empathetic, sensitive, and often lost in their (day-)dreams. They are considered romantic and mysterious. Also, they are credited with patience and sociability.
Best Matches For Pisces:
Pisces, Scorpio, and Cancer share the water element and the female tendency.
They love intensely and are looking for a partner for life. They enjoy high compatibility with zodiac signs like Taurus, Scorpio, Capricorn, Cancer, and other Pisces.
However, Pisces stay away from Gemini and Aries.
Pisces Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Pisces and Aries: Aries people are often too “hard” and extreme for the sensitive Pisces souls.
Pisces and Taurus: These zodiac signs get along very well with each other although they are very different.
Pisces and Gemini: The Gemini is often too rationally thinking for the creative and emotional Pisces. It is difficult for both to get along with each other.
Pisces and Cancer: Since Cancer and Pisces are very emotional zodiac signs, there is a good chance that they will form a loving and harmonious relationship. Their reality is often even better than any romantic movie.
Pisces and Leo: Their different temperaments make them go separate ways. The strong Leo-nature is often too overwhelming for the sensitive Pisces.
Pisces and Virgo: Virgos are more pragmatic and realistic people and can’t get along with the imaginative, spiritual, and visionary Pisces-nature.
Pisces and Libra: While both zodiac signs require harmony, the zodiac sign of Pisces demands more feelings and devotion than the Libra can offer.
Pisces and Scorpio: These zodiac signs share their sense of spirituality and their emotionality. The Scorpio is fascinated by the creative and chaotic Pisces-nature and gets distracted from his analytic thinking.

Pisces and Sagittarius: This combination promises optimism and fun. However, a Sagittarius can quickly become too dominant for the sensible Pisces-soul.
Pisces and Capricorn: The Capricorn is an earth sign, Pisces is assigned to the element water. Both elements get a lot out of this combination. The Sagittarius is so hardworking that everything else gets sometimes neglected. Pisces is the ideal partner because he can teach him how to relax and to enjoy other things than work.
Pisces and Aquarius: The Aquarius might be too extroverted for the shy Pisces. However, they share a creative and individual nature and can develop a life-long friendship.
Pisces and Pisces: Great combination! Pisces look for love, harmony, and someone to dream about (or with).
Pisces-Love on Amazon:
The Ambitious Aries
This fire-based zodiac sign has immense power. Aries people are adventurous, dynamic, spontaneous, strong-willed, and ambitious.
A typical Aries needs a very independent partner – he can’t stand clingy partners who can’t get their own things together. A stable self-confidence is also required because the Aries’ criticism is often very open and direct.
Best Matches For Aries
The strength and power of the Aries is for nothing for the more sensitive and water-based signs of the zodiac.
Aries has the highest compatibility with other fire-based zodiac signs of the horoscope like Leo, Sagittarius, and other Aries who share his fiery temperament.
Aries Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Aries and Aries: Let the games begin! The double Aries combination will never experience any boredom because they have the same energy and charisma.
Aries and Taurus: The Taurus wishes for fixed rituals in contrast to the spontaneous Aries. Also, the Taurus enjoys peace and silence which can get too boring for the fiery Aries – he wants action and adventures.
Aries and Gemini: Great playmates, but not made for a firm relationship. When an Aries loves, he loves and gives everything. This can get quickly too overwhelming for the freedom-needing Gemini.
Aries and Cancer: The impulsive Aries and the sensitive little Cancer should rather avoid each other.
Aries and Leo: This combination promises a firework of emotions, sexuality, and passion. However, in everyday life, both zodiac signs need attention and have a very strong will. The partners should take a step back to avoid fights.
Aries and Virgo: If Aries needs an interesting conversation partner or wants to broaden his horizon, he will go to a Virgo. But the Aries needs more than intelligent conversations. He wants action, and in the long run, that is far too exhausting for the Virgo.
Aries and Libra: The fiery Aries with the elegant Libra? These two should keep their hands off each other.
Aries and Scorpio: The tempestuous Aries and the aggressive Scorpio – this combination is explosive and more pain and fights than happiness should be expected.
Aries and Sagittarius: Jackpot! This combination is perfect for either friendships or romantic relationships. Together they will enjoy harmony, adventures, and passionate sex.
Aries and Capricorn: The Aries appreciates the ambition that a Capricorn has for his work and career, but soon he will feel neglected. This doesn’t work in the long run.
Aries and Aquarius: More unusual, original, funny, active, and exciting than this combination is hardly any other. These zodiac signs have a high compatibility because of their deep understanding of each other.
Aries and Pisces: The Pisces character is often too shy and sensitive for the extroverted, energy-packed Aries.
Aries-Love on Amazon:
The Patient Taurus
Taurus is described as a safety-loving, patient, and loyal zodiac sign. He values stability, a nice and tidy home, routines, and habits. Regarding romantic relationships, a Taurus looks for someone with whom he can build a life, long partnership, and family.
Best Matches For Taurus
Taurus has a high compatibility with Cancer and Virgos, who share his values for safety, stability, and peace.
He also makes a great combination with other Taurus-born people who appreciate habits, routines, and a calm life.
Pisces and Taurus have very different natures and yet: they complement each other perfectly. The same counts for the combination with Scorpio.
However, a Taurus should stay away from Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius who are too exhausting and too unstable.
Taurus Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Taurus and Aries: The Aries needs action and adventures, whereas the Taurus wants safety and routines. Not a good combination!
Taurus and Taurus: Two earth signs make a great combination. They know exactly what the other one needs.
Taurus and Gemini: The Taurus wants a solid and stable relationship – nothing for freedom-needing Gemini. Also, a Taurus is way too possessive and jealous for the Gemini who likes to flirt and play.
Taurus and Cancer: This couple has a solid foundation! Both zodiac signs value sensuality, peace, and calmness. They spend a lot of time at home, building a family and base for the future.
Taurus and Leo: Apart from their love of luxury and financial abundance, these two zodiac signs don’t have much in common and should stay away from each other.
Taurus and Virgo: These two zodiac signs enjoy a high compatibility because of their deep understanding of each other. They stay away from stress and discussions and the Virgo appreciates the stability only a Taurus can give.
Taurus and Libra: While the Taurus is down-to-earth the Libra is known for elegance. There is a neutral attraction and zero erotic vibration.
Taurus and Scorpio: These two zodiac signs are in many aspects the opposite of each other because almost exactly 6 months separate them in the horoscope. This leads to extremes in good – and in bad things. They have a strong sexual attraction to each other and value loyal, long-term partners. However, this relationship requires stable nerves because both zodiac signs are extremely jealous and possessive. Fortunately, the Taurus has a strong mental stability and can deal with the aggressions of a Scorpio.
Taurus and Sagittarius: They share a love of nature and spend a lot of time going for walks and hiking. That connects. But the constant need for action of the Sagittarius soon becomes too much for the Taurus who needs his time to re-energize and calm down.
Taurus and Capricorn: Both are ambitious, stable, and experience an instant “click”. The Capricorn learns from the Taurus to calm down, relax, and reward himself.
Taurus and Aquarius: The dynamic and active Aquarius becomes quickly too exhausting for the calm Taurus.
Taurus and Pisces: The Taurus is patient enough to wait for the shy Pisces to open up. The emotional and chaotic Pisces appreciates the mental strength and stability of the Taurus.
The Intellectual Gemini
The social and intelligent Gemini doesn’t need too many things to be happy: freedom, talking, … and more talking. In order to be happy, a Gemini doesn’t necessarily need a steady or clingy life partner because he himself isn’t the most attached, romantic partner.
Best Matches For Gemini
Geminis stay far, far away from certain zodiac signs, like Scorpio and Taurus, which are way too jealous and possessive for the unstable and flirty Gemini.
The best match a Gemini can make is with Aquarius! Both zodiac signs love variety, action and they can give each other the needed freedom!
Also, with the elegant and intelligent Libra Gemini-borns experience instant sympathy and attraction.
Gemini Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Gemini and Aries: The energetic, dynamic, and jumpy Aries fascinates the Gemini and reminds him of himself. On an erotic level, this combination promises a firework!
Gemini and Taurus: On the one side, the Gemini is way too unstable for the Taurus, who needs a loyal partner close to his side. On the other side, the Taurus is way too possessive for the freedom-needing Gemini.
Gemini and Gemini: Two Geminis could break the world record for hourlong talking. However, they also have together too much nervous energy and too many different ideas which can easily lead to fights.
Gemini and Cancer: The Cancer has intense feelings that frighten the detached Gemini, who always remains noncommittal.
Gemini and Leo: This power-pack will never get bored! Both zodiac signs need adventures and variety in daily life!
Gemini and Virgo: Geminis and Virgos basically are the opposite of each other: chaos vs. order, flexibility vs. routine. This combination can’t expect any harmony.
Gemini and Libra: These zodiac signs love going out, socializing, and making new memories! They have a high friendship-compatibility.
Gemini and Scorpio: The introverted Scorpio can easily get exhausted by listening to the talking of a Gemini. The Scorpio is also too jealous for the freedom-needing Gemini.
Gemini and Sagittarius: Both of these zodiac signs love to flirt, are adventurous, independent, and sociable. As a couple, they work very well together.
Gemini and Capricorn: Two different characters that can complement each other very well.
Gemini and Aquarius: There is hardly any other zodiac sign that can understand Gemini’s urge for freedom and action as well as Aquarius. These two air signs complement each other perfectly!
Gemini and Pisces: The Gemini is offensive, but not too offensive for the sensitive Pisces. Even after years, these two allow each other their freedom.
The Emotional Cancer
The emotional Cancer likes to surround himself with zodiac signs that tick in a similar way to himself. He expects romance from a firm relationship. The Cancer zodiac sign suits someone who is not afraid to speak openly about his feelings and who isn’t afraid of close relationships.
Best Matches For Cancer
Cancers are emotional, sensitive, and vulnerable, so they prefer to surround themselves with zodiac signs that have similar character traits.
Of course, the water signs, Pisces, and Scorpio are amazing matches for Cancer. They can understand and experience the deep feelings a Cancer has.
The more harsh fire signs, Aries, and Sagittarius, on the other hand, should stay away from Cancer.
Cancer Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Cancer and Aries: The romantic, soft and somewhat conservative Cancer likes to avoid the aggressiveness of the impatient Aries.
Cancer and Taurus: This is a dream combination! The loyal Taurus calms the Cancer down and gives him the needed feeling of safety.
Cancer and Gemini: The Cancer wants a firm relationship with deep feelings and the Gemini – not. Cancer easily gets too clingy for the Gemini who needs his personal space.
Cancer and Cancer: Chances are, that there isn’t a more romantic and sentimental relationship out there.
Cancer and Leo: As different as day and night, the sentimental Cancer and the adventurous Leo complement each other and form a unity; as long as the Cancer also pays the desired admiration to the Leo and the Leo in return shows a little more loyalty.
Cancer and Virgo: The Cancer is impressed by the intelligence and wisdom of the Virgo. He is only interested in a real relationship, just like Cancer. In addition, they share a good communicative base with each other and describe their needs very well.
Cancer and Libra: The Libra is simply too indecisive for the Cancer, who already knows that he wants a relationship. As friends though, these zodiac signs make a great combination with high compatibility! The charming and elegant Libra is a good match for the sensitive Cancer.
Cancer and Scorpio: The Cancer knows how to calm the aggressive Scorpio. They understand each other on a deep emotional level and they can give each other the needed affection and loyalty.
Cancer and Sagittarius: While Cancer desires constancy, safety, and being at home with the family, the Sagittarius is always careful not to give up his beloved adventures and personal space.
Cancer and Capricorn: The Capricorn may offer security and stability, but the Cancer needs more, namely loving words, tender touches, and the feeling of total connection. However, the Capricorn feels like he neglects his work and career goals because of the relationship.
Cancer and Aquarius: The Cancer prefers staying at home and watching romantic movies and the Aquarius – not. He can’t give the Cancer the stability and strong bond he needs.
Cancer and Pisces: Once the two dreamers have found each other, they quickly realize that reality is even more beautiful than any dream. Pure romance!
The Self-confident Leo
There is something Leo enjoys more than anything else – the spotlight. He loves attention and presenting himself. In a committed relationship, he needs his partner to give him a lot of admiration and attention. Otherwise, he will go and search for these somewhere else.
Best Matches For Leo
Leo enjoys the highest compatibility and attraction with Gemini, Cancer, and Libra.
He also makes a great match with Sagittarius and Aquarius! These zodiac signs have a lot in common and are an unstoppable power-pack.
However, a Leo should stay away from Taurus and other Leo-borns.
Leo Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Leo and Aries: Two fire elements promise a lot of action and attraction. However, a hot affair is more likely than a firm relationship.
Leo and Taurus: These zodiac signs have nothing in common. The Leo wants attention and loves going out, the Taurus, on the other side, prefers staying in his cozy home and watching Netflix.
Leo and Gemini: A social and charismatic daredevil like the Gemini will surely never bore a Leo. A great combination for friendships and relationships!
Leo and Cancer: Leo likes a faithful and sensitive partner that he can protect and fight for.
Leo and Leo: There is no room for two lion kings. Both of them want to be the leader and both of them want undivided attention. This can get quite exhausting over time.
Leo and Virgo: The Virgo is a well-groomed and intelligent appearance. A perfect partner for Leo to show off.
Leo and Libra: Two social zodiac signs that love going out! Although the Libra values elegance and harmony more than the Leo, they make a great combination.
Leo and Scorpio: A good example of how fire and water complement each other perfectly. The passionate Scorpio and the fiery Leo make an explosive couple.
Leo and Sagittarius: These two fire signs have a lot of fun together and crash every party! Nonetheless, in the long run, the Leo needs more compliments and attention than the Sagittarius can give.
Leo and Capricorn: At first, the distance of the Capricorn awakens the hunting instinct of the Leo. However, Capricorn spends more time on his goals and ambitions whereas Leo wants to go out and party.
Leo and Aquarius: These signs have a lot of fun together! Adventures and actions are to be expected with this power-duo.
Leo and Pisces: The extroverted Leo has to be patient with the introverted Pisces. Once the Pisces warmed up, they can have a deep and emotional relationship.
The Logical Virgo
People born under the zodiac sign of Virgo are described as analytical, hard-working, and careful. They are realistic and reliable people with a strong sense of duty.
Best Matches For Virgo
Virgo and Taurus make a great match because they have many common characteristics.
A Virgo has also a high compatibility with Scorpio, Cancer, and Capricorn.
There is less attraction to Gemini and Sagittarius.
Virgo Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Virgo and Aries: System vs. spontaneity. The Aries wants action, and in the long run, this is far too exhausting for the routine-loving Virgo.
Virgo and Taurus: These two zodiac signs enjoy a high compatibility because of their deep understanding of each other. They stay away from stress and discussions and the Virgo appreciates the stability only the calm Taurus can give.
Virgo and Gemini: The typical Gemini likes his routines and to organize and plan. The Gemini is simply too unstable, chaotic, and spontaneous.
Virgo and Cancer: The Cancer is impressed by the intelligence and wisdom of the Virgo. He is only interested in a real relationship, just like Cancer. In addition, they share a good communicative base with each other and describe their needs very well.
Virgo and Leo: Both signs work hard towards their goals. The Leo can break up the serious nature of a Virgo and he can learn from his patience.
Virgo and Virgo: The sexual tension is zero. With two realists in this combination, there isn’t much space for romance and dreams.
Virgo and Libra: The typical Virgo desires stability and order. Unfortunately, the Libra is an undecisive zodiac sign which can exhaust the Virgo.
Virgo and Scorpio: It’s hard to say who’s analyzing who. The Scorpio instinctively knows what buttons to push in order to make the Virgo like him. However, the Scorpio needs more passion and emotions than the cool Virgo can give.
Virgo and Sagittarius: The structured Virgo will always try to tame the fiery, chaotic Sagittarius. In the long run, however, this will get too exhausting and the Virgo will give up.
Virgo and Capricorn: Stability and routines are particularly important to these two earth signs. They can understand and give each other what they need. When it comes to their sex-life though, there shouldn’t be expected too much eroticism.
Virgo and Aquarius: The fun-loving Aquarius teaches the down-to-earth Virgo how to relax and enjoy life without thinking about consequences. Unfortunately, in the long run, both zodiac signs are too different.
Virgo and Pisces: The dreamy, imaginative Pisces and the realistic, cool Virgo? Not a good combination because both zodiac signs can’t understand each other.
The Elegant Libra
The typical Libra is charming, optimistic, smart, and polite. Libra people need harmony and stay (far) away from trouble and stress.
Best Matches For Libra
The social Libra experiences instant attraction and compatibility with Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
There is less compatibility with Cancer, Capricorn and Scorpio.
Libra Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Libra and Aries: The Aries is way too impulsive for the sensitive Libra. Also, the Libra is too indecisive for the Aries, who knows very well what he wants. These two zodiac signs should keep their hands off each other.
Libra and Taurus: Two sensual and harmonic signs meeting each other! Amazing! However, the Libra has to learn to make decisions and to settle down in order to live with the Taurus, who needs stability and a loyal partner.
Libra and Gemini: These two signs of the zodiac like to be the center of attention. When they appear together, all eyes are on them. Together, they have a carefree and harmonious relationship because they can give each other the needed space for freedom.
Libra and Cancer: Cancer is only available for something stable and firm. But until the Libra finally makes a decision, the Cancer has been gone.
Libra and Leo: In this relationship, the focus is on enjoying life. Both signs like being in the spotlight and partying!
Libra and Virgo: The Virgo simply plans too much for the spontaneous Libra. Where is the fun?
Libra and Libra: The perfect, harmonious relationship of two charming and sexy partners!
Libra and Scorpio: It is in the nature of Libra to flirt and tease. The jealous Scorpio wants a loyal partner. Also, the Scorpio needs extremes and passion – whereas a Libra hates decisions and commitment.
Libra and Sagittarius: These zodiac signs prove that air and fire elements have a high compatibility: Each has his own space and understanding of the other’s flaws. A harmonious connection!
Libra and Capricorn: Even though he himself is not an artist, the Capricorn has a sense for aesthetics – and thus for the beautiful Libra. In the long run, both zodiac signs are too different.
Libra and Aquarius: These air signs often find themselves in a platonic relationship. They share their sense of creativity and their need for freedom.
Libra and Pisces: While both zodiac signs require harmony, the zodiac sign of Pisces demands more feelings and devotion than the Libra can offer.
Libra-Love on Amazon:
The Extreme Scorpio
Scorpio people are typically described as mysterious, hard-working, passionate, and resistant. In relationships, they tend to be jealous and possessive.
Best Matches For Scorpio
Scorpio has high compatibility with the other water-based zodiac signs, Cancer and Pisces. Also, with Virgo and Capricorn, they have a lot in common.
They tend to stay away from Sagittarius and Aquarius.
Scorpio Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Scorpio and Aries: A combination of these two fighting natures produces more effort than happiness. Even if both find each other very sexy and erotic, after a short time this romantic relationship could cool down considerably.
Scorpio and Taurus: These two zodiac signs are in many aspects the opposite of each other because almost exactly 6 months separate them in the horoscope. This leads to extremes in good – and in bad things. They have a strong sexual attraction to each other and value loyal, long-term partners. However, this relationship requires stable nerves because both zodiac signs are extremely jealous and possessive. Fortunately, the Taurus has a strong mental stability and can deal with the aggressions of a Scorpio.
Scorpio and Gemini: The introverted Scorpio and the extroverted Gemini? The Scorpio likes the intelligent Gemini and the fact, that they can have excellent conversations although the Scorpio usually isn’t too talkative. However, in love aspects, they should keep their hands off each other!
Scorpio and Cancer: This bond is forever! Two emotional water signs who can show each other their deepest feelings and secret sides. They can give each other the affection and passions that they both need. Perfect combination for life-long friendships and firm, romantic relationships!
Scorpio and Leo: A good example of how fire and water complement each other perfectly. The passionate Scorpio and the fiery Leo make an explosive couple.
Scorpio and Virgo: It’s hard to say who’s analyzing who. The Scorpio instinctively knows what buttons to push in order to make the Virgo like him. However, the Scorpio needs more passion and emotions than the cool Virgo can give.
Scorpio and Libra: It is in the nature of Libra to flirt and tease. The jealous and possessive Scorpio wants a loyal partner. Also, the Scorpio needs extremes and passion – whereas a Libra hates decisions and commitment.
Scorpio and Scorpio: This is the most explosive couple from all the zodiac sign combinations! They can expect instant attraction, deep affection and emotions, and the highest possible pleasure in bed. However, this relationship requires good and stable nerves with this jealous and possessive zodiac sign combination!
Scorpio and Sagittarius: They make good friends but they shouldn’t be in a romantic relationship. The Scorpio can’t give the flirty and party-loving Sagittarius the freedom he needs.
Scorpio and Capricorn: Instant attraction! Two hard-working, ambitious zodiac signs, who can achieve anything together! Unfortunately, the Capricorn is too detached for the Scorpio who wants his partner to share and show his emotions and feelings.
Scorpio and Aquarius: These two should stay far away from each other! Water and Air signs aren’t compatible at all because they are too different.
Scorpio and Pisces: This combination is amazing! Two intuitive and emotional water signs. The analytic and aggressive Scorpio appreciates that the dreamy, imaginative Pisces can show him how to be more gentle and carefree.
Scorpio-Love on Amazon:
The Adventurous Sagittarius
The extroverted Sagittarius is described as active, freedom-loving, carefree, and humorous. In relationships, this zodiac sign needs freedom and action.
Best Matches For Sagittarius
Sagittarius enjoys high compatibility with the zodiac signs Aries, Libra, and Aquarius!
There is less attraction to Virgo and Pisces.
Sagittarius Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Sagittarius and Aries: Jackpot! This fiery combination is perfect for either friendships or romantic relationships. Together they will enjoy harmony, adventures, and passionate sex.
Sagittarius and Taurus: They share a love of nature and spend a lot of time going for walks and hiking. That connects. But the constant need for action of the Sagittarius soon becomes too much for the Taurus who needs his time to re-energize and calm down.
Sagittarius and Gemini: Both of these zodiac signs love to flirt, are adventurous, independent, and sociable. As a couple, they work very well together.
Sagittarius and Cancer: While Cancer desires constancy, safety, and being at home with the family, the Sagittarius is always careful not to give up his beloved adventures and personal space.
Sagittarius and Leo: These two fire signs have a lot of fun together and crash every party! Nonetheless, in the long run, the Leo needs more compliments and attention than the Sagittarius can give.
Sagittarius and Virgo: The structured Virgo will always try to tame the fiery, chaotic Sagittarius. In the long run, however, this will get too exhausting and the Virgo will give up.
Sagittarius and Libra: These zodiac signs prove that air and fire elements have a high compatibility: They keep their own space and understand each other’s needs. A harmonious connection!
Sagittarius and Scorpio: They make good friends but they shouldn’t be in a romantic relationship. The Scorpio can’t give the flirty and party-loving Sagittarius the freedom he needs.
Sagittarius and Sagittarius: This combination stands for partying and adventures! Also, there is a lot of sexual attraction between two Sagittarius-born people.
Sagittarius and Capricorn: The Capricorn is too serious for the fun-loving Sagittarius!
Sagittarius and Aquarius: Life-affirming, optimistic, energetic, independent: Here are two high compatibility zodiac signs, which have a lot in common, especially regarding relationships.
Sagittarius and Pisces: This combination promises optimism and fun. However, a Sagittarius can quickly become too dominant for the sensible Pisces-soul.
Sagittarius-Love on Amazon:
The Ambitious Capricorn
The earth sign is known for its down-to-earth, realistic nature. Therefore this zodiac sign prefers a solid partnership that lasts a long time. The Capricorn is described as disciplined, ambitious, loyal, and smart.
Best Matches For Capricorn
Capricorn has the highest compatibility with the zodiac signs Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Pisces.
From Aries and Libra a Capricorn usually stays far away.
Capricorn Compatibility With Other Zodiac Signs
Capricorn and Aries: The Aries appreciates the ambition that a Capricorn has for his work and career, but soon he will feel neglected. This doesn’t work in the long run.
Capricorn and Taurus: Both are ambitious, stable, and experience an instant “click”. The Capricorn learns from the Taurus to calm down, relax, and reward himself.
Capricorn and Gemini: Two different characters that can complement each other very well.
Capricorn and Cancer: The Capricorn may offer security and stability, but the Cancer needs more, namely loving words, tender touches, and the feeling of total connection. However, the Capricorn feels like he neglects his work and career goals because of the relationship.
Capricorn and Leo: At first, the distance of the Capricorn awakens the hunting instinct of the Leo. However, Capricorn spends more time on his goals and ambitions whereas Leo wants to go out and party.
Capricorn and Virgo: Both signs work hard towards their goals. The Leo can break up the serious nature of the Virgo and he can learn from his patience.
Capricorn and Libra: Even though he himself is not an artist, the Capricorn has a sense for aesthetics – and thus for the beautiful Libra. In the long run, both zodiac signs are too different.
Capricorn and Scorpio: Instant attraction! Two hard-working, ambitious zodiac signs, who can achieve anything together! Unfortunately, the Capricorn is too detached for the Scorpio who wants his partner to share and show his emotions and feelings.
Capricorn and Sagittarius: The Capricorn is too serious for the fun-loving Sagittarius!
Capricorn and Capricorn: Cool, ambitious, hard-working: This couple is a real power-pack that can achieve anything together!
Capricorn and Aquarius: Both zodiac signs have problems communicating their feelings which can often lead to misunderstandings. Also, the Aquarius isn’t stable enough for the Capricorn.
Capricorn and Pisces: The Capricorn is an earth sign, Pisces is assigned to the element water. Both elements get a lot out of this combination. The Sagittarius is so hardworking that everything else gets sometimes neglected. Pisces is the ideal partner because he can teach him how to relax and to enjoy other things than work.
What Type Of Partner Do You Attract According To Your Zodiac Sign
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The 5 Most Powerful Zodiac Signs (According to Astrology)
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